
Free DNS Hosting

  • 26th January 2014
Woop! Woop!, now offers FREE DNS hosting with your domain. We're all about saving you money and if our ridiculously low R9/month hosting plan is too expensive for you, or you simply want to point your brand spanking new domain to an existing other domain, you can now make use of our DNS services for FREE. Make sure you enable ...
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Enabled "Add Funds" functionality!

  • 28th November 2013
Here at, we're all about saving you money. When you know you're about to buy several domains or simply do not want to be bothered with paying the ridiculously low R9/month, you can now pre-purchase funds. Invoices will automatically deduct from this credit. Also brilliant when you do not want to trust that techie with ...
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New partnership with CloudFlare

  • 20th November 2013
Woot! Woot! In addition to getting the cheapest domains, you now also get super fast and secure hosting using CloudFlare! #frikkadel recently entered into a partnership with CloudFlare,  and as a CloudFlare Certified Partner, we deliver their simple and free solution to help protect and accelerate your website. Once your ...
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Multiple DDoS attacks

  • 15th November 2013
Yesterday and the day before, Frikkadel was the target of multiple DDoS attacks. The first attack started just after 8am on Wednesday and lasted for the better part of of the day, and the second one started around midday yesterday and lasted several hours.No reasons have been given for these attacks and no one has claimed responsibility as yet.Due ...
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