The ZA Central Registry will be performing maintenance on it’s routers on 29 November 2016 from 07h00 SAST to 08h00 SAST (05h00 UTC to 06h00 UTC)

  • Saturday, 26th November, 2016
  • 09:32am
The ZA Central Registry will be performing maintenance on it’s routers on 29 November 2016 from 07h00 SAST to 08h00 SAST (05h00 UTC to 06h00 UTC). Anticipated downtime is expected to be minimal, with intermittent availability of EPP and WHOIS registry services during the maintenance period.
The following namespaces will be affected:
  • CO.ZA
  • NET.ZA
  • ORG.ZA
  • WEB.ZA
We would like to apologies in advance for any inconvenience the scheduled maintenance may cause.
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